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Politics is the set of activities that are associated with the governance of a country, state or an area. It involves making decisions that apply to groups of members. 

*Choose 4 only*

(i)Politics Helps You to Know Your Rights
The course has allowed us to see beyond our initial belief that we have no real say in the running of our country. It has truly educated us on fundamental part of our society and has helped us to understand that if we engage in political processes, using the pressure points built into the system, then every individual really does have the opportunity to change the world.

(ii)Politics Clarifies What You Yourself Believe
Studying the things we have studied has given us the opportunity to
discover our own political beliefs and to see in much greater detail the benefits and disadvantages of the vast array of political ideologies that are
present in the world today. Being able to express what you believe
accurately and concisely is extremely useful, and forces you to really look
at yourself!

(iii)Politics is a Living, Breathing Subject
In Politics, textbooks go out of date the day they are published. Why?
Because the political landscape changes every day, with new examples
appearing constantly in the media. Picking which examples to use in your
answers to essay questions is really exciting as something that has happened on the day you are taking your A Level exams can appear in your response!

(iv)Politics Helps You to Understand Our Nation's Parties After just one term of the subject we have learnt about democracy and our rights, ideologies and party policies, the Constitution and Parliament. With the knowledge gained from the classroom, we have been able to watch
events unfold worldwide, have seen our leaders' reactions to these events
and have come to understand these reactions as demonstrations of what we have learned.

(v)Politics Prepares You for Adult Life The world of British politics really opens up to teenagers after our eighteenth birthdays, with the vote giving us the ability to change our nation and allow the principles we hold dear to thrive. With this in mind, it could
easily be said that Government and Politics is the most applicable subject on offer at any school, and is a subject that people should be encouraged to take due to nothing less than the way it prepares you for entering the adult


(i)Globalization and modernization; Globalization can be defined as the integration of economic, political and social Cultures. It is argued that globalization is related to the spreading of modernization across borders. Global trade has grown continuously since the European discovery of new continents in the Early modern period; it increased particularly as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the mid-20th century adoption of the shipping

(ii)Democratization and modernization;  The relationship between modernization and democracy is one of the most researched studies in comparative politics. There is academic debate over the drivers of democracy because there are theories that support economic growth
as both a cause and effect of the institution of democracy. “Lipset’s observation that democracy is related to economic development, first advanced in 1959, has
generated the largest body of research on any topic in comparative politics.

(iii)Development and modernization; Development, like modernization, has become the orienting principle of modern
times. Countries that are seen as modern are also seen as developed, which
means that they are generally more respected by institutions such as the United Nations and even as possible trade partners for other countries. The extent to which a country has modernized or developed dictates its power and importance on the international level.

(iv) Technology; New technology is a major source of social change. (Social change refers to any significant alteration over time in behaviour patterns and cultural values and norms.) Since modernization entails the social transformation from agrarian societies to industrial ones, it is important to look at the technological viewpoint; however, new technologies do not change societies by itself. Rather, it is the
response to technology that causes change. Frequently, technology is
recognized but not put to use for a very long time such as the ability to extract metal from rock.

(i) political party are a group of people or persons organized to acquire and exercise political power, They are organized group of people or bodies who seek to capture political power through or election in order to run the affairs of a country 


1. Recruiting candidates for public office is one of the most important function that political party has political parties recruit candidates that will participate in an election in order to acquire a public seat. Political parties try as mush to recruit candidates   for elected offices 

2. Political parties try to gather workers   to help register voters as well as organize and run the  election day voting. their hope is that the more people that are involved in helping with the election, the more interest there will be in the outcome, this is done through campaign 

3. They present alternative policies to the electorate called the political platform. This is when the voters learn the ideal of a political party,their ideals and plans for the position they want to back in the government 

4. Political parties  also channels public opinions from citizens to government. They are known as opposition parties prey act as the voice of the government, they also encourage citizen on their right to vote and being voted fore.

5.PUBLIC CORPORATIONS: are statutory bodies established by an Act of parliament with the sole aim of providing essential services to the mass of the people at very reduced costs.


(5i). The problem of Poor project planning:-
When money is being invested in public corporations, the managers do not base their investment decisions on a good assessment of the market forces of demand and supply. Cost of production is not weighed against how much benefit could be derived from the investment. The result is that the cost of operation is highly inflated. Furthermore, because there is lack of proper planning, projects delay and some never get executed. In addition, because planning is poorly done, managers are confused between taking decisions that will make profit or just offering social service to the public.

(5ii). The problem of High establishment costs
Public corporations are often in the habit of spending heavily on social infrastructure such as schools built specially for the children of their workers, hospitals, housing and similar such infrastructure to show that they are good employers so as to attract skilled employees into their fold. These infrastructures once built will call for more money to maintain and run them. In the final analysis the cost of running public corporation become so huge that it lowers their ability to make profit in the long run. 

(5iii).The problem of Over-staffing
Another thing that results from the poor planning in Public Corporations is that they are not able to determine the number, quality, skill level of the people they must employ within a certain time period. This lack of proper manpower planning creates a situation where people are employed as unplanned response to minor issue. Ultimately leading to over-staffing. When a corporation becomes overstaffed, it must pay more employees than it actually needs to function properly. A huge wage bill will further make their operations less profitable. 

(5iv). The problem of  Political interference
Public corporations also suffer from too much interference, in the way it is managed, by politicians. Sadly, suggestions coming from these politicians are often meant to score political points against opponents or favour political allies and not to make a business savvy advice.  Some public corporations are placed under parliamentary control which reduces their autonomy and freedom to make quick decisions that would bring profit to the corporation.  

(5v). The Problem of Under-utilization of capacity
One serious problem of the public sector has been low utilization of installed capacity. Because of the fact that public corporation do not have definite targets of production, no sales targets, and ineffective assessment of their future needs and how to meet them, they find themselves operating at a level well below their installed capacity. Operating below capacity means that public corporations are not making full use of their fix assets,(plants, building, equipment etc); a situation which can lead to poor business performance and financial loss to the firm.

(6a)Foreign Policy:-refers to the decisions and actions taken by a state to pursue her interests within the global system. The ability of a nation to influence the decisions and actions of other nations within the comity of nations is of great importance.

(6b)1 .Sovereignty and Integrity of the Slate:-  The first factor that every state keeps in mind while formulating foreign policy is the safeguarding of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is the main responsibility of a state to safeguard the property of citizens and to protect their interests whatsoever they are. This responsibility also involves the concept of security of national boundaries and if necessary to occupy other alien part of the territory. 

2. Inter-dependence of States:- All the states big or small, rich or poor are dependent on one another for one or the other reasons. This inter-dependence may result in -conflict or cooperation so the states under these stresses attempt to create a situation under which international behavior may not be broken completely. Foreign policy is formulated in such a way as to maintain a balance with bargaining. For example, India did not recognize Israel for long, to dissuade the Arab countries from siding with Pakistan in the event of Indo-Pak dispute.

3.Promotion of National Interest:- It is the primary duty of all states to promote and further their national interests through their foreign policies. There may be difference between the interests of one state with that of another as they naturally vary according to time, place, location and circumstances, but the interests as self-preservation, security and well-being of its citizens are the common interests on the basis of which foreign policy is generally made.

4.Internal and External Conditions:- Foreign policy of every state is conditioned by certain internal and external factors. Internal factors include geography, population, economic needs, ideology e.t.c External factors are global environment, great power structure, alliances, international organizations, world public Opinion, reaction of other states etc.

  _PICK 4_

- *Colonial masters*:- The political economy of member states is tied to that of their respective former colonial masters

- *ECOWAS fund*:- Inability of member states to contribute to ECOWAS fund is another major problem

- *Political instability*:- Frequent change of leadership in member country is another major problem

- *Language Barrier*:- Official languages of member countries are foreign and varied: English,  French,  Portuguese thus complicating the communication problem.

- *Free Movement*:- The free movement as provided by the charter of ECOWAS is no more automatic because of its socio-economic implications of member states.

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